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Quotation from Rupert Evenett

Innosight is very good at presenting risk through business development proposals based on iterations that carry the assumption of repeated partial failure and product development delays. At the same time, we still need to develop effective, transparent metrics that both communicate risk and help the clients differentiate between development failures that resulted from previously unknown factors (well we found this out so we know that the concept won't work) and the development failures that resulted from preventable human errors (Jones burned out and left the project while our outsourced designers took too much control and dragged the project the wrong direction)


Quotation from Rupert Evenett

via MBA Depot - Latest Content on Jun 15, 2007

Quote: A flipside of risk is trust. Trust is implicit in any dialogue between a company and its shareholders or any of its stakeholders. Trust is implicit in any discussion about the future in conditions of uncertainty...Any increased understanding of risk will tend to increase trust; while a dialogue that is risk-blind will tend to decrease trust especially over time as the unexpected inevitably occurs. By focusing on the issue of trust, we can also emphasise that anything which acts to increase Trust in the shareholder and indeed stakeholder dialogue will tend to both reduce shareholders' overall required return (and hence companies' cost of capital) and increase stakeholders' confidence in looking to the longer term in the face of any unexpected fluctuation. Increased openness and transparency in the stakeholder dialogue is thus a significant element in improving the management of Shareholder Value and sustainable growth.

Author: Rupert Evenett
Source: European Business Forum (EBF)

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